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Statistics from 23 june 1999, 20:06
Compiled on 11:14, 31 december 1999

Total number of pageviews: 44536.
Top day so far: 2 december 1999 with 1231 pageviews

The 10 most recent visitors

Visitors per day (last three weeks)

Visitors per day of the week

Pageviews per hour of the day

Pageviews per week

Pageviews per domain (who's visiting?)

Pageview forecast for today

Pageviews per region
(where are they coming from?)

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Most recent 10 visitors
31 december10:59Unknown (
31 december11:00Unknown (
31 december11:01Unknown (
31 december11:03Unknown (
31 december11:06Unknown (
31 december11:07mwweb, US Commercial
31 december11:07Unknown (
31 december11:09America Online, US Commercial
31 december11:10globalserve, Network
31 december11:13lakemartin, Network

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Visitors per day
11 december187
12 december76
13 december110
14 december38
15 december880
16 december1141
17 december1067
18 december832
19 december910
20 december1059
21 december968
22 december650
23 december436
24 december483
27 december310
28 december507
29 december541
30 december698
31 december165
Visitors per day
december 1999


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Pageviews per week


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Visitors per day of the week
sunday12.1 %
monday14.1 %
tuesday13.7 %
wednesday15.7 %
thursday16.5 %
friday15.4 %
saturday12.1 %

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Pageviews per hour

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Forecast for today: 469 pageviews
An average of 35.1 per cent of the daily visitors arrive before 11:14. Based on the number of visitors 165 to your site so far today, your site could have a total of 469 pageviews (+/- 37).

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Pageviews per domain
1.Network 1163426.12 %
2.US Commercial 840218.87 %
3.Canada 21794.89 %
4.Australia 12402.78 %
5.US Educational 6871.54 %
6.Malaysia 4130.93 %
7.Belgium 3200.72 %
8.United Kingdom 3150.71 %
9.Netherlands 3010.68 %
10.Denmark 2750.62 %
11.Sweden 2740.62 %
12.United States 1930.43 %
13.Non-Profit Organization 1820.41 %
14.Singapore 1690.38 %
15.Brazil 1650.37 %
16.New Zealand (Aotearoa) 1600.36 %
17.Mexico 1350.3 %
18.United Arab Emirates 1150.26 %
19.Norway 1130.25 %
20.Hong Kong 1100.25 %
21.Thailand 1070.24 %
22.Italy 1000.22 %
23.Israel 880.2 %
24.Taiwan 860.19 %
25.South Africa 780.18 %
26.France 760.17 %
27.Germany 740.17 %
28.Austria 740.17 %
29.India 690.15 %
30.US Military 690.15 %
31.Egypt 560.13 %
32.Philippines 530.12 %
33.Argentina 510.11 %
34.Japan 440.1 %
35.Finland 410.09 %
36.Greece 410.09 %
37.Kuwait 380.09 %
38.Switzerland 310.07 %
39.US Government 310.07 %
40.Turkey 280.06 %
41.Portugal 250.06 %
42.Russian Federation 230.05 %
43.Indonesia 220.05 %
44.Spain 220.05 %
45.Guatemala 210.05 %
46.Old style Arpanet 200.04 %
47.Saudi Arabia 200.04 %
48.Chile 190.04 %
49.Lebanon 190.04 %
50.Iceland 180.04 %
51.Jordan 180.04 %
52.Bulgaria 170.04 %
53.Slovak Republic 160.04 %
54.Pakistan 150.03 %
55.Czech Republic 140.03 %
56.Ireland 140.03 %
57.Faroe Islands 110.02 %
58.Peru 110.02 %
59.Croatia (Hrvatska) 100.02 %
60.Hungary 100.02 %
61.Venezuela 100.02 %
62.Uruguay 100.02 %
63.Cyprus 100.02 %
64.Korea (South) 90.02 %
65.Colombia 90.02 %
66.Romania 90.02 %
67.Brunei Darussalam 80.02 %
68.Bermuda 80.02 %
69.Dominican Republic 80.02 %
70.Qatar 70.02 %
71.Oman 70.02 %
72.Trinidad and Tobago 60.01 %
73.Poland 60.01 %
74.Yugoslavia 50.01 %
75.Bolivia 50.01 %
76.Slovenia 50.01 %
77.Lithuania 40.01 %
78.Ukraine 30.01 %
79.Malta 30.01 %
80.Puerto Rico 30.01 %
81.Jamaica 30.01 %
82.San Marino 30.01 %
83.Dominica 30.01 %
84.Costa Rica 20 %
85.Cuba 20 %
86.Belarus 20 %
87.Barbados 20 %
88.Luxembourg 20 %
89.Ecuador 20 %
90.Paraguay 20 %
91.Bahrain 20 %
92.Estonia 20 %
93.El Salvador 20 %
94.USSR (former) 20 %
95.Macedonia 20 %
96.Iran 20 %
97.Latvia 10 %
98.Togo 10 %
99.Morocco 10 %
100.Turks and Caicos Islands 10 %
101.Moldova 10 %
102.Panama 10 %
103.Saint Lucia 10 %
104.Gibraltar 10 %
105.Kenya 10 %
106.Nepal 10 %
107.Sierra Leone 10 %
108.Bahamas 10 %
109.Anguilla 10 %
110.Namibia 10 %
111.Uzbekistan 10 %
112.China 10 %
 Unknown 1538834.55 %

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Pageviews per region
1.None (.net, .org) 1181626.53 %
2.North-America 1158126 %
3.Europe 23025.17 %
4.Asia 14263.2 %
5.Australia 14003.14 %
6.South America 2800.63 %
7.Centra America 2040.46 %
8.Africa 1390.31 %
 Unknown 1538834.55 %

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